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Monday, May 1, 2017

Believe In Miracles

Definition Of A Miracle:

1. A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
2. A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.
3. An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

I think we can all agree that the above definitions describe how we might view a miracle. However, I have come to understand something different about miracles...something very eye opening...something I'd like to share with you.

If you've read my book "What Would Angels Do?" or attended any of my events, you probably remember my own miracle story. In short, when I was a very young, poor, single mother I had an epiphany one evening as I was walking my son to the nearby McDonald's with the last two dollars I owned in my pocket. I saw a man begging on the side of the road, and I realized that if I were to give that man half of everything I owned- which at the time was literally a dollar- that I could for once be the giver instead of the taker. Something clicked in my mind that day, I realized that I had to stop identifying with being the statistical teen mother on welfare and I took action by giving something away that I needed. The next morning, I woke up worried and scared about my situation, but knew something inside of me had changed. When I opened my front door that morning, someone had put bags of groceries on my doorstep. Bags and bags of food and necessities. I couldn't believe it! To me, in the hopeless fearful state I was in, it might as well have been a million dollars. To me- it was a miracle.

Now, according to the definitions above, you too might think that waking up to a months worth of food when you're starving is a miracle. However, what I want to share with you is my definition of a miracle. You see, to me it wasn't the bags of groceries. To me the actual miracle was my realization the night before and the action that I took. The miracle was when God touched my heart and helped me to change my mind (the epiphany) so that I could be open to receiving a miraculous experience (the groceries). When it occurred to me to stop identifying with being the poor single mother on welfare, and to step up my game to become a giver, THAT was the miracle. That very day, I began to change my mind about who I was, and what my purpose is and therefore I changed the course of my entire life. THAT was the miracle. The groceries were the physical result of the miracle that occurred inside of me. There have been a series of things that have happened since then that seem miraculous, but I truly feel that the real miracle happened in my heart.

And that is how I view miracles. When I see something extraordinary, I always say to myself, "I wonder what miracle happened inside of that person's heart," or "I wonder what God changed inside of their mind for them to be able to experience this miraculous occurrence."

To me, miracles are unseen and they happen on the inside. What we see on the outside can bring us to tears and we stand in awe but is nothing still compared to the supernatural occurrence that first brought magic to us on the inside.

Enjoy today's meditation and remember that the moment you decide to change, miracles happen on the inside. Are you ready for your miracle?

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