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Monday, May 22, 2017


Not only is it okay to celebrate yourself, but it's necessary if you want to keep achieving success. 

It's spring, the coffee is good, I hit all green lights, I actually got my son to school on time and he doesn't look like an orphan, my hair is into it's third day of curls and they are holding up, there are birds chirping, work is fantastic, dinner is going to be yummy, and I can't wait to take a relaxing bath tonight with a cup of floral tea and celebrate my day. Doesn't really sound like a typical Monday does it? Creating a magical day is up to you and it comes down to your ability to celebrate the little things in life.

So often, we forget to celebrate. You have accomplished things, big and small. Perhaps getting out of bed this morning was an accomplishment. Or maybe you're graduating, or it's somebody's birthday, or anniversary, or maybe you showed kindness and pose in the face of a conflict. How are you supposed to go on living your life if you don't pat yourself on the back once in a while? It is so normal to notice and focus on what is going wrong, and how stressed out you should be over things. But, this is no way to live. We all have the same 24 hours and it's your choice how you want to spend those hours. By adding today's meditation, you can count at least 5 minutes of your day as positive, uplifting time celebrating YOU and the life you are creating!

Enjoy Today's Meditation By Clicking HERE

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