We all accumulate negative energies throughout the days, weeks, and months. Just like we can accumulate germs that eventually make us sick if we don't wash our hands or clean ourselves, negative energies can become toxic over time if we don't wash our energy. Think of a whale in the ocean. Over time of being in the salty sea, they begin to develop barnacles that weigh them down. In fact, researchers have found some whales to carry thousands of pounds of barnacles at a time! Have you ever felt like you were carrying a thousand pounds of stress and negativity? If you have, you definitely want to watch today's meditation.
Researchers also report that when whales migrate back to their breeding grounds, that the barnacles are removed by other parasites that live in their home area, making them feel lighter. This could be a metaphor for meditation, when we experience that calm sense of "home," we are able to shed the heaviness.
I spend a lot of time teaching people how to clear negative energy in my 6 Week Clarity Mentorship. For me, this is the foundation of your spiritual practice. Without the ability to clear away the darkness, it is often hard to really hear divine guidance and direction. That is why I believe there are so many ways you can clear yourself. Meditation is just one of many. Enjoy the clearing!
Watch The Video HERE
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