Some of you already know this, but my education is actually in nutrition. I did nutritional counseling for over a decade and owned a health clinic for a number of years until I got really burned out on talking about food. Several years later, I'm finally ready to address food issues with my clients again. However, my take on diet and nutrition is much different now through the perspective of living a mystical life. Being at war with your dinner plate has no room within a peaceful lifestyle. As a nutritionist, my advice used to be based on body types, testing, medical issues, and mostly for the purpose losing weight. Today I am more interested in how you want to feel about your food.
Deprivation is a horrible feeling. But so is gluttony. Being at war with sugar, caffeine, gluten, fat, meat, or any other food group has never led anyone to make better long term choices. But it has created unnecessary guilt and addictive behavior. If I were to have a conversation around diet with you, the first thing I would ask you is what is your relationship to food in general? Is it a love/hate relationship? Is it confusing? Do you feel that eating is kindness towards your body or a bother? Does food attack your body making you fat or is it nourishing? Is food medicine or your enemy? As I have had the opportunity to walk around the entire subject of diet and nutrition, from the medical perspective, to a salesmans perspective, and into a spiritual perspective, I am convinced that your relationship to food must heal before you can make any long term healthy changes. This might include forgiving yourself for any self abuse that has happened regarding food including shaming yourself, starving, or binge eating your feelings.
The life of a mystic requires that you heal your relationship to all things. We talk about healing your thoughts. This includes your current perspectives on food. I address this subject at length in my 6 Week Mentorship and it tends to promote beautiful personal breakthroughs resulting in a healthy body weight and radiance. Now that's magic! Your body is an amazing mammal, deserving of all of the love and care you would give any animal you tended to. By healing the way you feel about food, you will be able give your precious body what it needs without issue.