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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

You Are Intuitive

Have you ever been driving down the freeway and had a feeling to get off on an exit you normally wouldn't take? But then because it didn't make sense, you stayed on the freeway and ended up in really bad traffic? Situations like these happen all of the time. We talk ourselves out of small messages throughout the day and are left shaking our heads saying, "I knew it." 

We tend to think that intuitive messages only come for life's big issues. However, when you are fine tuned, you will hear guidance throughout the day even regarding the seemingly small things. You see, your angels really want you to feel peaceful. They know that being in traffic, or having to wait in line, or being at the wrong place at the wrong time will stress you out. So they take these little directions very serious. They know that when you follow step by step guidance, that you will be led through a day of grace and ease. An accumulation of those types of days will eventually lead you into synchronicity and all sorts of fun magical circumstances. 

The truth is that you don't have to be a big time psychic healer to receive these messages. You are intuitive. Intuition is like a muscle- everyone has it. You can strengthen your intuitive muscle by starting to follow it- even if it doesn't always make sense. That way, instead of being the person who is shaking their head saying, "I knew it." You can be the peaceful person nodding their head saying "I did it." 

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