What are you looking through?
Your lens is a term I use to describe the way you perceive yourself,
your life, and the world around you. I use the example of wearing different
glasses. If you wear the wrong prescription, or dark murky sunglasses, your
vision is distorted, and therefore so is your experience. You may not be seeing
things clearly, and this can be the cause of a lot of distress and discord in
your life and relationships.
I looked up the actual definition of perception and read: "A way
of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression."
Simple enough, however I really appreciate how it is defined
in A Course in Miracles: “Perception comes
from projection: what we see inwardly determines what we see outside ourselves;
crucial to perception, therefore, is our interpretation of
“reality," rather than what seems to be objectively real.”
Have you ever had the experience of comparing stories to
someone who was at the same event as you, and hear how different their
perception of that event is from yours?
It is true that very seldom at all do we have the same exact experience
as another person. This is due to the fact that we are all so different, and
our thoughts, past experiences, and opinions are different. We are all wearing
a different lens, and some people’s lenses can be clearer than others.
What distorts your lens? I believe the biggest distortion to
our sight has to do with unforgiveness, grudges, and old unresolved pain. These
things skew our sight and act as a mini movie projector into our present.
1. Someone who still suffers the resentment from a past
heart break will be looking through the lens of that heart break, and
unfortunately they will only see that heart break in their current situation. Even
though the current situation has nothing to do with the past, they will project
their fears and unresolved issues into their present and future and looking
through this lens of hurt, they will make poor decisions based on fear, react
irrationally, and sabotage their future. I pose this question regarding this type of
lens: How can you recognize the love of your life if you’re seeing through the
lens of your past hurt? They could be standing right in front of you and you
would never see it!
2. The way you view yourself has a lot to do with how much love
and success you will allow. If you are wearing the lens of “looser, fat, ugly, always
late, messy, unworthy, poor, unhappy” than that is how you will conduct your
life. You may be holding onto old self resentment and self judgment that takes
away your ability to see yourself correctly. When you look at yourself in the
mirror, or when you look at your life, because of yourself criticism, you may
literally not be seeing yourself and your potential success clearly at all!
Change your lens,
change your life.
Your lens won’t change itself. As long as you are unaware of
the lens you see through, you will be doomed to wear it and life will go on the
same. Your choice is simply, “I could
either continue to see the world through my current lens, or I could get clear
and refocus.”
Another way to talk about your lens is if you were a
lighthouse. Everyone has a light inside of them that, like a lighthouse,
streams forth and into the world. This light is an expression of your highest
potential, happiness, love, health, prosperity and success. The more lenses you
have over your light, the less you will be able to shine. The world will never
be touched by the light you have to offer. Inside of you, right now, is a light
so strong and mighty that it could not only change your life, but the lives around
you… maybe even the entire world! It’s time to wipe the slate clean and get
very clear!
How to Refocus &
Get Clear
If your dirty lens is a product of your unresolved past, get
rid of your past. Let it go. All its doing is distorting your view from the
truth about your current life and who you are today. You are not the same
person you were when your lens got dirty. Who do you need to forgive? What do
you need to resolve? Clearing up your past and becoming peaceful is like Windex
to the soul. You will shine sparkly and new and feel positively radiant!
Find your rose colored glasses and see through eyes of
love. See through eyes of newness. See through today’s eyes. Ask yourself “Who do I want to be today?” And
begin to open yourself up to the truth of your life. When you are wearing the right lens, your
life will look beautiful and filled with wonders and miracles.
What lens would you like to wear today?
- For more ways on how to get clear, follow me on your favorite social media platforms. @clarityistheway
- For more information on how you can work with me 1 on 1 or sign up to be in my 6 week mentorship, visit my website at www.clarityistheway.com
- And don’t miss me LIVE every Wednesday noon MST on Periscope for your mid-week motivation!
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