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Monday, September 28, 2015

How to beautify your life TODAY.

It is officially autumn in the Northern Hemisphere where I live. This morning, I woke up. Thank goodness I woke up. My window was open. There was a crisp anticipation in the air that found my cheeks and nose that made me snuggle deeper into my blankets. But the persistent autumn air found my smile, lifted my eyelids anyway. I could hear birds busily building thicker nests, the preparation of colder mornings to come surrounding my home. Suddenly, the geese were on the move heading south, and their awkward song broke through the silence of my room. Something within me stirred. I sat up looking out at the falling flowers and leaves, and felt the promise of their return after winter. I began repeating my morning decree, allowing my mind and heart to work softly together, visualizing my day and to humbly pray. I was already feeling gratitude for my upcoming day as my feet found my furry black slippers and I padded across the hall to wake up my sweet sleeping child for school.

I begin to move through my day as if I were dancing on a stage in ballet slippers. As if my dream of being a ballerina as a child plays out without any resistance from my 37 year old self. I’m dancing between coaching calls, readings, writing, playing with my kitties, listening to music, kissing my lover, cooking for my family, walking my dog, laughing with girlfriends, and then there is always my new “favorite” book and taking time to be taught by my mentors. Yes, it all gets accomplished, the house gets wiped down, the laundry folded, bills get paid. Date nights, family time, it’s all in there. And I feel beautiful. I feel beauty while vacuuming my home, while picking up dog crap, I feel beauty in the stories I hear from my clients and seeing them take risks and make breakthroughs.   I feel beauty when the night tucks me in next to my sweetheart and I once again open my heart in gratitude.

How did a poor single mother who once felt ugly, used, worthless, and broken wake up this morning like this? How does a woman who had seemingly failed at business, relationships, and parenting smile at herself in the mirror and say sweetly to her reflection, “You really are beautiful.”  Is it possible to live with this sort of grace and ease?  The answer is in the steps I take every day to create balance and it all has to do with being very clear about my priorities, removing negativity, and choosing to believe in my worth. One of my favorite sayings is, “I know who I am, I know who’s I am.”  At some point I dedicated myself and my life to something greater than me. As I allow this greatness to move through me, I am blessed by the results you just read.  It takes time, forgiveness, and dedication. However if you’re willing to include these following steps into your day, you will see a difference; you may even choose to tell yourself you’re beautiful… and mean it.

1.       Decree your days.  Don’t allow the world to have its way with you. Set your intentions first thing in the morning, and then be flexible to positive or productive changes if needed. Decide how you would like to feel at the end of the day and then take steps to create that end result for yourself. You will sleep better feeling accomplished, even if it is for something small.

2.       Have an abundant mentality. Be grateful for what you have right now. Create for yourself a gratitude journal and write something in it every day. You feel ugly when you have a lack mentality, so beautify your mind by appreciating everything and everyone that is around you.  Trust that there is enough to go around, and that your gratitude will bring even more to you.

3.       Eat clean. You are what you eat. If you want to beautify your life, eat beautiful things. Make your plate look pretty, take time to add colors, herbs, spices. Greasy, brown, dull food will make you feel sluggish and ugly. There is an abundant rainbow of nutrients ready to give you energy and help you feel radiant!

4.       Let go of grudges. Forgiveness makes you pretty.  It also beautifies your reputation. What exactly do you want to be known for?  Toxic behavior that comes from grudges makes you ugly. Ask yourself who you’re really mad at. Take accountability. Resolve it! LET IT GO! Letting go of grudges makes you feel as light as air, and it will uplift your world.

5.       Stop comparing yourself to others. The only person you’re competing with is YOU. Raise your own bar. Be stubborn about your goal, but flexible about your method.  If you have something that’s not working, it isn’t because someone else is doing it better.  It’s because you haven’t found your win yet. Focus on yourself; leave everyone else out of it. When you do this, you are able to completely celebrate all of your accomplishments along the way without feeling rushed or not good enough. Celebrating your accomplishments is beautiful!

6.       Don’t talk about what you can’t do, talk about what you CAN do.  Complaining or being negative about your capabilities or skill set is super ugly. Giving yourself grace makes you glow.  When you are complaining, you are not creating. Stay optimistic, forward thinking and you will have the energy to learn and grow.

7.       Notice beautiful things and invite them into your space. One of the things I love is good music, and a good scene. The sky is literally painted for us at every sunset, and yet how many times do you stop and take it in? Put the sunset in your heart, put the stars in your eyes, and let the night wind brush your hair. These things make you beautiful. Make sure you have nature in your home. Plants, animals, crystals, fountains, candles, anything that balances the elements in your environment will make beauty around you.  Right now, look around you. What is beautiful?  Notice beauty. Notice yourself.

Clarity is beautiful. You can live a life of grace and ease when you make powerful decisions based on clarity. for information about my 1 on 1 coaching sessions, angel readings, mentorship, and upcoming events.
Follow me on your favorite social media platforms @clarityistheway.

Periscope LIVE coaching every Wednesday at 12 noon MST.  @clarityistheway.