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Monday, November 9, 2015

The Art of Inquiry

Inquiry is the art of asking the right questions in order to get effective answers. It is a formal investigation to determine the facts. Inquiry, when used to gain personal insight can be the most important and effective tool to self improvement.
The fact is that the reason you are not clear about what changes to make is that you have not investigated yourself enough.
The fact is that the reason you have not investigated yourself is because you are afraid of what you might find; you’re afraid to change.  
The fact is that the longer you put off inevitable change, the longer you will be in pain. And if you’re totally honest with yourself, you are in pain about what needs to change.

Where to start.
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Know Thyself,” or “self awareness is everything.” But what you may not know is that self awareness requires a lot of compassion.  It’s hard to be aware of the truth if you’re just going to use it to beat up on yourself.  Let yourself off the hook, and just take a look!  You can’t make changes until you know the truth.

The Inquiry.
 If you want to figure out what is really important to you, look at the evidence.  Go back over your history and what you’ve been doing.
The honest answers to these questions will help you get closer to knowing yourself, and where to begin making changes. Spend serious time pondering each question.  If you don’t like the answers, change!

1.       Your Environment: What do you fill your primary work or personal space with? Look around- these are things that are the most important to you. Does your physical environment reflect who you really are? Does it express your goals and your potential?
2.       Your Time: What is the first, second, third activity of the day? What are your daily priorities? How many hours a day do you work? Do you read or study?  How are you spending the rest of your day? Who do you spend the most hours with during the day? Where are you during the biggest chunks of your day? Does your spent time reflect where you truly want to be and what you truly want to be doing?
3.       Your Self Image: Do you like who you see in the mirror? What is your favorite thing about your face? Your body? How would you like to see yourself? How would you like your body to feel? Do people see you the way you want them to? Does your body, clothing, and appearance reflect how you truly want to be treated?
4.       Your Passions: What energizes you? What are you doing when you lose track of time? If money or work were not an issue, what would you do all day? How often do you engage in something that really lights you up?
5.       Your Priorities: Write a list of all of your activities, hobbies, and obligations. Then number them with 1 representing what you love the most. Are the top 3 things you numbered where you spend the most of your mental focus? How much energy do you devote to things you truly love?
6.       Your Results: What have your life results been?  Are they in line with what you are wanting? Results show you what you are truly committed to. Perhaps it’s time for a reality check- you may be subconsciously committed to failure if that is what your result has been.

Cost vs. Benefits.
As you look over your answers, try to identify what answers repeat most often, is there a theme of things you are satisfied or unsatisfied with? Change usually doesn’t happen until you realize that it is costing you more to stay in the unhealthy pattern than you are benefiting from it. Don’t be afraid to begin a pros and cons list to making a change you’re scared to make. Once you see just how far the scales are tipping, you may begin to take action to create balance.

Is there a change you are trying to make but have been unsuccessful at? I can help. To get more clarity, please visit me at

Follow me on all of your social media platforms @clarityistheway and don’t miss my LIVE Periscope every Wednesday noon MST for your Mid-week Motivation. 

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