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Monday, November 30, 2015

Goal Stragegy

Welcome to my last blog of the year. I am taking December off from my blogs to finish up my book! I will still continue seeing clients and running my 6 week Intuitive Enhancement Mentorship, and in fact my next mentorship starts January 3. I can’t think of a better way to start off the new year than to give yourself 6 weeks to really focus on yourself, clear up your life, and become more connected to your intuitive skills so that you can make 2016 your most successful year! I’m always happy to talk to you about the mentorship if you are interested, and you can find more on my website.

I would like to leave us this year with a very powerful goal setting strategy. It’s what I am using currently as I climb the ladder to my dreams. So far, it has been flawless. Keep in mind, that anything you want, you can have. You just have to be willing to put your time and energy into it. I have found that so often we want something that we lack the wiliness to do the work for. And trust me; anything you work for will be worth it in the end.

So here are ways to ensure you meet your goals. Whether it be a rocken body, relationship, bank account, inner peace, career, hobby, a happy holiday season, or some “out there” wild wish- these will help!

1.       Find an empty lane. One of the best ways to feel great about what you are doing is to create the feeling that you are the only one doing it! I’ve heard for years from successful people that if you want to make a difference in the world, find a problem and solve it. That doesn’t mean that your entire idea has to be original, it just means that you solve it in the way that YOU would solve it. Be original, quirky, different, and really put yourself out there. Even if there are others doing what you want to be doing, they won’t be in your lane doing it the way you can do it.

2.       Run as if you have a million dollars, even if you have zero. This doesn’t mean to get yourself into debt. It means that in order for you to stay motivated and on task, you can’t let the money issues get you down or stop you. Starting most anything requires at least a little bit of cash. But, if you sit around waiting for money to show up in order for you to go after your dreams, you’ll never go after them. There will never be enough money… so just decide that you’re going to feel as if you have enough right now.

3.       Feel and be good at what you do- have confidence. I have a saying, “you can’t cover up a bad cake with sweet icing.” If you’re not sure of yourself to the core, there won’t be enough make-up, status updates, or fake smiles to cover it up for long. You’re way more transparent than you realize. So just be real and if you’re not feeling 100% don’t be afraid to tell people. Your audience, friends, and family want authenticity more than they want perfection. Personally, I’d rather eat a well baked cake that looked less than perfect, than a well iced cake that tasted horrible.

4.       Motivate yourself EVERY DAY! You cannot over-motivate yourself. Get yourself an awesome playlist of music that gets you going, listen to powerful speakers on YouTube, have a list of things to do that make you feel better, and engage in things that feed your soul and make your heart sing! I cannot stress enough that you must do this EVER DAY!!!

5.       Know that there are people cheering for you. Sometimes your cheerleaders aren’t as loud as your naysayers, but they are there. No matter what you are doing, you can find someone who believes in you if you look around and give people a chance to support you. Let the right people know about your goals, and let them cheer you on. It’s the best feeling in the world to know that even though some people won’t be able to figure you out, others don’t necessarily need to in order to be on your side.

6.       Work smart, work consistently, and take the good with the ugly. Not much else to say on this one. Just get out there and do the work! And if you have a bad day, have a little pity party then get over it. If you’re doing 1-5, it’ll be easier to get your “badassery” on, brush yourself off, and get back to it.

I’m looking forward to spending December finishing up my book and seeing what my editor does to it. J I’m also looking forward to continuing my Periscopes every Monday for the card of the week. If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet, you’re missing out! It’s the fastest and most informative app out there. I’ve really appreciated the time and effort my own mentors have put into their valuable content on there.

And of course, if you want more clarity, motivation, and insight, visit my website at You’ll get access to my YouTube channel and all of my social media platforms that I will continue to update.  

Make December a magical month of peace and joy. It’s up to you. No matter what your situation is, whether you are surrounded by people or all alone, whether you are feeling the spirit of the season or not, you are in control of your experience and how you choose to act, react, and feel. Find something that you want to do in life, and let it be so big that it scares you. Follow your intuition, and make it happen. January will be here in no time, and what you do this month can set you up for a year beyond your wildest imagination!

And remember that clarity is power! You can live a life of grace and ease when you make powerful decisions based on clarity. Clarity truly is the way, my friends. Happy Holidays to you! 

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