I was sitting in a beautiful condo in the Colorado mountains this afternoon taking in all the splendors of Autumn when I received a DM from a client on Instagram. It was a screenshot of a post from Doreen Virtue. My heart dropped. I get messages like these every so often from people who seem confused by my previous mentor. Until now, I haven't said a thing. I stopped following her months ago. I made that decision in peace, deciding to honor her journey regardless of how odd it seemed to me at the time. Therefore until today, I have been unaware of how extreme her change has evolved. I feel it is time for me to say something publicly as I will most likely continue receiving messages and questions.
For anyone who may not know who Doreen is, I would like to take this opportunity to honor the gigantic impact she made in my life. She was my mentor, teacher, and way shower for two decades. Throughout my 20's and 30's, I soaked in every book, deck of cards, and certification she delivered. Like many intuitives, she opened the door for me to accept my gifts and connect to God and the angels in very deep ways. She lived a life I aspired to live- a published author traveling to magical places around the globe spreading messages of peace, love, and compassion. When she wasn't traveling, she lived in Hawaii where she could swim with dolphins and meditate under gorgeous sunsets and full moons. Her example was monumental. With her career starting in the late 80's, she wrote a plethora of spiritually based books that covered subjects from health, relationships, addictions, and what she became most known for, angels. She provided the space for me to receive my own precious Divine guidance and I have never felt confused or detached from God and His angels since. I even acknowledged her in my own book, "What Would Angels Do?" While Doreen was traveling, teaching, and inspiring us, she was always very considerate of all faiths, remaining nondenominational, open, and loving towards all religions. I loved that about her because it helped me remain open and loving to all religions too!
Last year we all began to see changes in her. What we didn't know at first was that Doreen was leaving her lifetime of universal thinking and converting to a born again Christian faith that began limiting her ability to teach the way she had been teaching for so many years. When she first announced that she had given herself over to Jesus, I was curious. I personally love Christ and was hopeful she would somehow find a way to bridge the very open path she had been walking to this strict Christian faith. However as time went by, Doreen seemed only interested in preaching sermons from the bible. Her messages became stale, repetitive and like she was regurgitating someone elses words. As much as I wanted to remain hopeful, my heart broke with what she did next.
The video has since been taken down because it caused so much controversy and so many emotions worldwide. Doreen posted on her YouTube channel a very raw and matter-of-fact explanation that she was leaving her decades of work to follow the teachings of the bible. She proceeded to tell her millions of students to throw away her books, cards, and to now follow her into "righteousness." Many of us were horrified as we watched her glazed over eyes that once held so much compassion, and her stern mouth that once spoke with grace preach about the devil, condemnation, and how the bible is our only salvation. I watched her audience completely fall apart as she presented to us such an extreme and absolute opposite concept as if she were telling us how to bake a cake. Shortly after her conversion to Jesus, she lost thousands of followers, was fired from her publishing company, and had to flee her ranch in Hawaii because she could not pay for it anymore. She publicly addressed these losses as if she were a martyr and they were penance for her wicked ways as a new age author. Her posts and messages started to attack the very things that she had previously taught us, stating that she believed she was destined for hell until she converted. Is it any wonder why so many of her students felt mass confusion, judged, cast out, and deeply hurt by the very woman who once nurtured their universal spiritual growth?
(See pictures below.) *Note the hashtag #exnewager
As one of her biggest supporters, I would be lying if I didn't say that I cried a little during her transition. I felt bad for her family, friends, co-authors, and of course for those of us who unwaveringly supported her for much of our spiritual lives. My heart went out to Hay House, a publishing company that put her on the map as an author and mentor. I'm sure it was a hard decision to let go of one of their biggest stars shortly after their founder, Louise L Hay passed away. But one thing was constant through my mind and heart through the entire ordeal- she was the messenger, not the Source of the message. Like everyone, she is living a wondrous human experience that allows her the freedom to change. While I was watching many of her fans become angry, and even suicidal over her radical betrayal and attack on the very lifestyles she had helped us to create, something within me stayed calm, stable, and unmovable. Perhaps it is because I never made Doreen my guru. She never wanted us to. She was an imperfect person, who had channeled perfect messages. For that I will always be grateful. I love her books, I love her cards, I wouldn't dream of throwing them away. They are forever woven into the tapestry of my spiritual practice. However they are all just tools and bridges to the real thing- Love.
When we feel Love from anyone's words; when someone writes a beautiful song, poem, book, or speaks from their heart, we must acknowledge that they are being a channel of Grace for us in that moment. In truth, we are always receiving Love from God and so when we use cards, crystals, or yes even the bible, we must remember that they are tools that help us connect to Love. It is not uncommon to confuse the message with the messenger. But when this happens, we need to take our power back. In fact, we need to take our power back from anyone we have given the ability to destroy us if they were to change. Because people change. The world changes. Hell, the bible has changed. However, Divine Love is constant, never ceasing, never changing, and the one thing I have learned to count on.
As I look at all of the beauty around me today, I take in a sweet breath of gratitude. I am grateful I am not trapped in a limited mindset that condemns anyone. I am grateful I feel deeply connected and loved by God. I am grateful that I have the freedom to look in the direction of the things I resonate with, and away from people who judge me. Friends, today is a beautiful day regardless of what Doreen Virtue or anyone else is posting. I recommend that you unfollow anyone who makes you feel unworthy of the Divine Love and Grace that is within you right now in this moment. Instead, stop- take in a lovely breath, smile, place your hands on your heart, and simply say, "thank you." Doreen Virtue inspired me to create the absolute kick ass, wonderful, magical life that I am living right now. We don't have to understand her or anyone's path, we only have to understand that we are all loved. So, my final take on the Doreen Virtue saga: I deeply appreciate her contribution. Everyone has a right to change. I honor her journey. I am at peace with my own journey. In the wise words of Louise L Hay, "No one can truly abandon me but me. I am always here for myself. All is well in my world today and always."