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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

5 Ways To Follow Your Intuition

When you are facing a challenge, it is normal to ask advice from your friends and loved ones. One of the mistakes I've made in the past (I'm sure you can relate) is that I asked the wrong person for advice. Their guidance felt off but I followed it regardless of my intuition because I trusted their perception over mine. Even though it is healthy to get an outsiders view, we might also feel like it's not worth asking others for advice because of the overwhelming and confusing influences we invite into our issue. In a sea of other people's opinions how do we make the right decision?

The answer is in your intuition. I call it your "inner bullshit detector" and we all have it. We might not all trust it, but it's there. I'm sure you've caught yourself saying, "I knew it, but I didn't do it" when your intuition was telling you something you didn't follow through with. In truth, we get messages through our intuition all of the time. It's important to start giving it the benefit of the doubt when we need it, otherwise we can end up in disastrous circumstances! This is the first thing I teach in the 6 Week Clarity Mentorship. I believe that without our intuition, we are like leaves being tossed around in the wind believing only in other people's perspectives on our lives. That is no way to live, and it's the fastest way to sabotage living in your life's purpose. Your intuition will tell you exactly where you need to go, how to handle situations, what to eat, who to associate with, what to quit, what to start, and will constantly leave clues if you are open and willing to see them. 

What does it feel like to be in tune with your intuition? Here are 5 clues that you are tapping into the right Source to make your decisions and create a better life.

1. You feel an overall sense of relief.
Most of us are searching for feelings of happiness. However, I  have learned through many trials and errors, that we should be chasing the feelings of relief. Whenever you course correct, or redirect yourself from going into the wrong direction, there is always a feeling of relief. Even if the direction you are heading doesn't make logical sense, there's a deep sense within you that you are no longer resisting the natural flow of your inner guidance. When trying to make a decision, which choice gives you an overall sense of relief? Go with that flow.

2. A certain situation or person simply just doesn't give you peace.
One of the biggest things we question is our discernment when we are right in front of someone who seems to be okay. There is no valid reason to not trust them, they are giving you every indication that they are legit, but something is moving within you and making you feel uncomfortable. We commonly trust what people show us above what our intuition is showing us. The same thing can be said for a seemingly harmless situation or environment. That unexplainable uneasy feeling means that you need to look further into things. Ask questions, investigate. Your intuition is needing you to uncover something or to simply trust it and leave with no further explanation. 

3. You feel inspired.
Another way of describing inspired is "In- Spirit." If you were to close your eyes and take some deep breaths and contemplate the situation, do you feel in spirit about it? Does the situation bring you a sense that a greater force is guiding you? Does the situation or person you are questioning encourage you to be a better person or give you more energy and drive? If so, you may be in the flow of inspiration and this is where your intuition will speak the loudest. 

4. The same message will repeat itself through different means.
Do you ever see a sequence of repetitive numbers? Or perhaps different people keep telling you the same thing? This is what I call "Outer Intuition." Sometimes our intuitive messages will seem to appear within the world around us and it is important to pay close attention, especially if the message has appeared more than a few times. If it is a cryptic message like a symbol or an animal that keeps showing up, feel free to use google or contact a spiritual adviser/mentor (like me) to help you gain insight.

5. Confidence and Courage. 
I love this duo. When you are in an intuitive flow, you will intrinsically feel confident and have the courage to make the changes or move forward, even if it is an unpopular choice among your friends. When you feel as though you are feeling an inner strength that is coming out of seemingly nowhere, you know you are in an intuitive flow and being guided in the right direction. 

These five points are just the tip of the iceberg. If you are wanting to really sharpen your ability to be led through life by your clear and precise intuition, please check out my 6 Week Clarity Mentorship. If you can learn how to navigate through feelings and emotions, and find the ones listed above, you will be assured that you are receiving Divine Guidance and headed towards your best outcome. 

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