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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Being a Mystery

The fear of being misunderstood and judged are big reasons why many of us shy away from stepping into the Mystic. Part of your spiritual mastery is to shift your attention from trying to be everything to everyone, and into being who you were created to be. For me, once I got clear about God's intentions for my life, it didn't matter what anyone else's opinions were. I found my strength and self esteem in my sure footed connection to my Creator and I'm okay being an unstoppable mystery to anyone who doesn't understand. I can no longer use the fear of what people might think as an excuse not to fully live and express my purpose. But it took me a really long time to get here. 

On my Patreon site, we talk about animal wisdom and this month we are studying the Bat. Since Bats are the only mammal who can fly, they don't really fit in with birds or animals. They are also greatly misunderstood because they have been depicted as dark, evil, and scary- associated with Halloween and vampires. Like many of us who step fully into the unknown, we are often misunderstood as well. Bat medicine shows us how to rise above other people's perceptions and just be yourself. Your flight might look awkward, you may not fit into any certain class, but you are beautiful and magnificent- a true miracle! You are a mystic!

To join my Modern Mystic Membership (only 11.11 a month) and learn more about animal wisdom, go to 

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