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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sitting in The Palm of His Hand.

I am writing this blog on the Taurus Full Moon after ceremony. What a beautiful evening. Once a month, I get the chance to sit with my children in a sacred circle under the blessed moonlight to talk, reconnect, release what we no longer need/want, and dream our beautiful futures together. It is a circle where no judgment exists. Just simple gracious support for one another. It always warms my heart to hear their visions for their futures. Did you know you can live with someone for years and never know the inner workings of their desires, what drives and motivates them, or even be in touch with the chosen path they are walking towards their destiny? Nights like these are held among the most sacred moments in my heart because I know it is not common among most people to feel this connected to their loved ones.  
Tonight as I gazed into the faces of my kids with the moon and candlelight reflected in their eyes, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy being their mother. I have dedicated my life to serving my Father God and Mother Goddess by doing my best to heal and inspire all of their children. But everything I do has to start at home. By instilling in my own children the love and security found in their connection to their Creator, I fulfill my role as a mother/guide to them. I know that the more security we feel in our relationship to our Creator, the better life is. In short, I am all that I am because I have made the most important relationships in my life my number one priority. It wasn't always like this. I had to work really hard to turn things around in all of my relationships in order for me to be where I am. And so tonight as the rich loving familial energy of Taurus shines down upon my loved ones and moves steadily like a bull across our skies, I deeply and humbly bow to the one relationship I trust and call home. Once I straightened things out with my God and Goddess, everything else fell into place. Everything I need is right here. There is nothing lacking. And so it is. 

Song Inspiration: Now We Are Free by Lisa Kelly

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